I code for fun (not my profession) i and like to build something around x264/ffmpegsource/avs2yuv.
143 Rotating an Image to Make Multiple Frames.146 Writing directly to a sprite.152 CHAPTER 13: HANDLING ANIMATION.Dont' warry Atak, since i am not a professional developer i don't get it as personal attack 134 Dealing with Pixels.135 Drawing Lines.137 Rectangles.140 Circles and Ellipses.142 CHAPTER 12: WORKING WITH SPRITES.143 Basic Loading and Displaying of Sprites. 131 CHAPTER 11: COLORS AND DRAWING PRIMITIVES.134 Getting and Setting Colors. 124 A Quick Binary Example.127 Miscellaneous File Commands.129 PART 2: PB GAME TOOLS. 107 Passing Arguments and Returning Results.110 Including Files.114 Libraries.115 CHAPTER 10: WORKING WITH FILES.119 Creating a File.119 Writing to a File.120 Reading From a File.122 Moving Around Inside of Files. 65 Loading Data Values into an Array.66 Variable Length Data Statements.72 CHAPTER 7: UNDERSTANDING/USING STRUCTURES.74 Arrays of Structures.74 Arrays within Structures.78 Basic Structure Lists.79Īdvanced Operations – Extending Structures.84 Advanced Structure Operations – Pointers.88 Other List Commands.92 CHAPTER 8: WORKING WITH MEMORY.94 Creating and Freeing Memory Buffers.94 Poke and Peek.95 Resizing Allocated Memory.97 Copying Memory Buffers.99 Comparing Memory.101 String-Specific Commands.103 CHAPTER 9: PROCEDURES AND LIBRARIES.107 Declaring a Procedure. 59 What Arrays Look Like.59 Initializing an Array (the DIM command).60 Multidimensional Arrays. 46 And and Or Statements.46 The SELECT Statement.48 Loop Basics.49 For…Next Loops.50 While…Wend Loops.53 Repeat…Until/Forever.56 CHAPTER 6: UNDERSTANDING/USING ARRAYS. 42 If…Else…EndIf.42 Nested IF Statements.

30 Defining Variables.33 Commenting Your Code.36 Simple Arithmetic.38 Cartesian Coordinates.39 CHAPTER 5: PROGRAM CONTROL STATEMENTS. 20 Creative and Technical Design Documents.21 Good Coding Style and Commenting.22 A Place to Work.23 CHAPTER 3: GETTING STARTED WITH PUREBASIC.24 The Good Old “Hello, World!” Program. 19 DirectX, Peripheral Cards and Drivers. 17 Bits and Bytes.17 Screen Resolutions and Bit-Depth.18 Speed Impact of Higher Resolutions and Bit-Depths. 15 CHAPTER 2: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING.16 What is a Program?.16 Object Code. 15 What if there are errors in the book or code?. PART 1: PUREBASIC BASICS.9 CHAPTER 1: WELCOME TO PUREBASIC.12 What is PureBasic and who is this Book for?.12 Why Learn PureBasic?.13 What Will I Need to Run PureBasic?.13 The Major Sections of this Book.13 Conventions Used in this Book.14 Where can I get the source?.
You may copy, update, distribute, and transmit this work for noncommercial purposes as long as you give attribution to the original authors, provide a link to my website at and distribute the resulting work under the same license as this one. Logsdon & Derlidio Siqueira is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Programming 2D Scrolling Games by John P. The author and publisher recognize and respect all marks used by companies, manufacturers, and developers as a means to distinguish their products. Any omission or misuse (of any kind) of service marks or trademarks should not be regarded as intent to infringe on the property of others. Logsdon ("Soeth") All brand names and product names mentioned in this book are trademarks or service marks of their respective companies. Logsdon (“Krylar”) Derlidio Siqueira (“PJoe”) Graphics and Cover Art: Ric Lumb (“Putty”) Game Music: Steve Harrison (“Fash”) Editing: Lorelei J. Programming 2D Scrolling Games Authors: John P. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way, stored in a retrieval system of any type, or transmitted by any means or media, electronic or mechanical, including, but not limited to, photocopy, recording, or scanning, without prior permission in writing from both the author and publisher. Programming 2D Scrolling Games Updated for PureBasic 4.61 & 5.0Ĭopyright © 2005-2014 John P.